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EUAudio provides automation professionals with a seamless way to listen in on the biggest manufacturing trends, anytime, anywhere. Covering the industry’s most relevant topics from environmental issues to predictive maintenance, cyber security to supply chain management, each season is carefully curated allowing listeners to develop their knowledge and skill set along the way. Your journey to becoming an automation expert starts here.
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Business Reporter Special
Season 14 - Episode 1
The early 21st century has seen global supply chain disruption on an unprecedented scale. Neil Ballinger, Head of Operations at EU Automation, shares valuable insights on how to navigate supply chain disruptions and unpredictability in an exclusive interview with Business Reporter.

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4.0 Sight
Industrial revolutions are not new...what is changing is the speed at which they are occurring.
4.0 Sight charts the digital journey for manufacturers in various countries around the world, taking an in-depth look at the key trends and challenges facing the industry.

The Book of Obsolescence Management explores how the industry can use obsolescence to its advantage.
Join over 17,000 BoOM readers and find out how we are aiming to help consumers, manufacturers and suppliers better understand the process of obsolescence and how it effects all industries and sectors worldwide.
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