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General Manufacturing

Manufacturing has always been characterised by rapid growth, constant innovation and new work patterns. However, the events of the coronavirus pandemic have amplified the need of businesses across every industry for new technologies to help them respond to global trends and stay competitive.

If manufacturing had to be summarised in one word, that would be agility. The field’s speed in introducing disruptive ideas, innovative technologies and new concepts is surprising, but can also be hard for manufacturers to keep up with.

Explore more industries

Production line machinery in manufacturing.
Machinery Manufacturing

Read up on the next generation of machinery manufacturing and the benefits to industries globally.

Electronic components in computer motherboard.
Electronic Components

Explore how this competitive industry balances rapid technological advancements and demand.

Plastics and packaging in factory storage.
Plastics & Packaging

Discover the rapidly changing world of plastics and packaging and explore what the future holds.

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