What is the category and family of this part?
The part belongs to the PLC Systems category and is a part of the Modicon M340 family.
How many analog inputs does this module have?
The BMXART0814 module has 8 analog inputs.
What types of analog inputs are supported by this module?
The BMXART0814 supports various input types, including voltage, resistor, temperature probes (Cu 10, Pt 100, Pt 1000, Ni 100, Ni 1000), and thermocouples (B, N, U, J, L, E, K, T, R, S).
What is the operating temperature range for this part?
The BMXART0814 can operate in an ambient air temperature range of 0 to 60°C.
What is the storage temperature range for this part?
The BMXART0814 can be stored in an ambient air temperature range of -40 to 85°C.
What is the IP degree of protection for this part?
The BMXART0814 has an IP20 degree of protection.
What is the MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) for this part?
The MTBF for the BMXART0814 is 900,000 hours.
What is the current consumption of this part?
The BMXART0814 has a current consumption of 150 mA at 3.3 V DC.
What is the net weight of this part?
The net weight of the BMXART0814 is 0.165 kg.