What is the category and family of this Siemens part?
The Siemens 6ES7334-0CE01-0AA0 is part of the PLC Systems category and belongs to the Simatic S7 family.
How many analog inputs and outputs does this part have?
The Siemens 6ES7334-0CE01-0AA0 has 4 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs.
What is the supply voltage and load voltage for this part?
The supply voltage for the Siemens 6ES7334-0CE01-0AA0 is 24V DC (rated value) for load voltage L+.
What is the power loss for this part?
The typical power loss for the Siemens 6ES7334-0CE01-0AA0 is 3W.
What are the input ranges for voltage and current?
The Siemens 6ES7334-0CE01-0AA0 supports input ranges of 0 to +10V for voltage and 0 to 20mA for current.
What are the output ranges for voltage and current?
The Siemens 6ES7334-0CE01-0AA0 supports output ranges of 0 to 10V for voltage and 0 to 20mA for current.
Is there galvanic isolation between the channels and the backplane bus?
No, the Siemens 6ES7334-0CE01-0AA0 does not have galvanic isolation between the channels and the backplane bus.
What is the maximum cable length for this part?
The maximum cable length for the Siemens 6ES7334-0CE01-0AA0, when using shielded cables, is 200 meters.
What are the dimensions of this part?
The dimensions of the Siemens 6ES7334-0CE01-0AA0 are 40mm in width, 125mm in height, and 120mm in depth.
What is the approximate weight of this part?
The approximate weight of the Siemens 6ES7334-0CE01-0AA0 is 285 grams.