What is the category of this part?
This part belongs to the PLC Systems category.
Which part family does this part belong to?
This part is from the Modicon M340 family.
Can you provide a brief description of this part?
Sure, this is a Non-Isolated Analog Input Module. It's part of the Modicon X80 Series and supports a range of voltages including 0 to +5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, ±10 V, and ±5 V.
What is the Commodity Code of this part?
The Commodity Code for this part is 853710.
What is the country of origin of this part?
The country of origin for this part is not specified.
Is this part compliant with environmental regulations?
Yes, this part is a Green Premium product. It complies with REACh and RoHS regulations, and it's free of SVHC. It's also mercury-free.
What are the dimensions of this part when mounted on racks?
The dimensions vary depending on the rack reference. For instance, when mounted on a BMXXBP0400 or BMXXBP0400H rack, the dimension is 242.40 mm or 9.54 inches.
What is the operating altitude for this part?
The operating altitude for this part ranges from 0 to 2000 m. It can also operate at 2000 to 5000 m with a derating factor.
What is the IP degree of protection for this part?
This part has an IP20 degree of protection.
What certifications does this part have?
This part has CE, ULEAC, CSA, Merchant Navy, and RCM certifications.