What is the category of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part falls under the General Automation category.
What is the part family of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part belongs to the Simotion part family.
What is the description of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part is a Programmer Controller from the 6AU1410 Series. It operates at a voltage range of 20.4 to 28.8 V dc and has a memory capacity of 38 MB.
What is the short description of this Siemens part?
The short description of this Siemens part is 'CONVERTER POWER MODULE'.
What is the Commodity Code of this Siemens part?
The Commodity Code of this Siemens part is 850440.
What is the country of origin of this Siemens part?
The country of origin of this Siemens part is not specified.
What are the technical specifications of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part is a single-axis motion controller with a maximum number of 1 axis. It has a RAM work memory of 38 Mbyte and an additional RAM work memory for Java applications of 20 Mbyte. It operates at a rated supply voltage of 24 V and has a power loss of 20 W. The part has an ambient operating temperature range of 0 to 55 °C.
What are the dimensions of this Siemens part?
The dimensions of this Siemens part are 183.2 mm x 73 mm x 89.6 mm.
What is the weight of this Siemens part?
The approximate weight of this Siemens part is 990 g.
What are the digital inputs of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part has 4 digital inputs with a DC input voltage rated value of 24 V.
What are the digital inputs/outputs of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part has 4 digital inputs/outputs that are parameterizable as DI, as DO, as measuring input input (max. 3), as output of output cam (max. 4).
What is the encoder interface of this Siemens part?
The encoder interface of this Siemens part is optional incremental encoder TTL, incremental encoder HTL or absolute encoder SSI without incremental signals TTL/HTL.