What is the category of this part?
This part belongs to the PLC Systems category.
What is the part family of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part belongs to the Simatic S7 family.
Can you provide a brief description of this part?
Sure, this is a Siemens SIMATIC SC Series Digital Electronic Module. It operates at 24 V dc and is designed for Plug-In Mount.
What are the dimensions of this part?
The dimensions of this part are 64.00 mm in height, 10.00 mm in width, and 51.00 mm in depth.
What is the weight of this part?
This part weighs approximately 0.015 kg.
Where is this part originally from?
This part is originally from Germany.
What is the commodity code of this part?
The commodity code of this part is 85371091.
When was this part introduced and discontinued?
This part was introduced on 2005-10-01 and was discontinued on 2015-10-01.
What is the power loss of this part?
The typical power loss of this part is 0.4 W.
How many digital inputs does this part have?
This part has 2 digital inputs.
What is the input voltage for this part?
The rated input voltage for this part is 24 V dc.
What is the input delay for this part?
The input delay for this part ranges from 1.2 ms to 4.8 ms.
What is the maximum cable length for this part?
The maximum cable length for this part is 1000 m for shielded cables and 600 m for unshielded cables.
Does this part have any diagnostic functions?
No, this part does not have any diagnostic functions.
Does this part have potential separation between the channels?
No, this part does not have potential separation between the channels. However, there is potential separation between the channels and backplane bus through an optocoupler.
What is the permissible potential difference between different circuits for this part?
The permissible potential difference between different circuits for this part is 75V DC/60V AC.
What is the isolation test value for this part?
The isolation for this part is tested with 1500 V AC.