What is the category of this part?
This part belongs to the PLC Systems category.
What is the part family of this part?
This part is from the Simatic S7 family.
What is the description of this part?
This is a Siemens Expansion Module, operating at 24 V dc, 1 A, with Digital I/O. Its dimensions are 45 x 35 x 130 mm.
What is the short description of this part?
This part is an Electronic module.
What is the Commodity Code of this part?
The Commodity Code of this part is 85389091.
What is the supply voltage of this part?
The supply voltage of this part is 24 V DC.
What is the input current of this part?
The input current from the backplane bus 3.3 V DC is max. 20 mA and from the supply voltage 1L+ is max. 20 mA.
What is the output current of this part?
The output current of this part is up to 55 °C, max. 1 A.
What is the power loss of this part?
The typical power loss of this part is 2.5 W.
What is the number of digital inputs of this part?
This part has 8 digital inputs.
What is the input voltage of this part?
The rated value of the input voltage is 24 V DC.
What is the input delay of this part?
The input delay at '0' to '1' is between 1.2 ms to 4.8 ms and at '1' to '0' is also between 1.2 ms to 4.8 ms.
What is the cable length of this part?
The maximum cable length, both shielded and unshielded, is 30 m.
What is the weight of this part?
The approximate weight of this part is 140 g.
What are the dimensions of this part?
The dimensions of this part are 45 mm in width, 130 mm in height, and 35 mm in depth.