What is the category of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part falls under the category of PLC Systems.
What is the part family of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part belongs to the Simatic S7 family.
What is the description of this Siemens part?
This is a Power Supply Module for SIMATIC S7-400, with a voltage of 60 V dc, 24 V dc, 1 A, and it weighs 1400 g.
What is the short description of this Siemens part?
The short description of this part is SIMATIC S7-400, PS 405 POWER SUPPLY, WIDE RANGE 10A, 24/48/60V DC, 5V/10A DC.
What is the Commodity Code of this Siemens part?
The Commodity Code of this Siemens part is 850440.
What are the common uses of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part is commonly used in industrial automation systems, specifically in SIMATIC S7-400 systems, to provide power supply.
What are the specifications of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part is a power supply module for SIMATIC S7-400 systems. It operates at a voltage of 60 V dc, 24 V dc, 1 A, and weighs 1400 g.
What are the alternative parts for this Siemens part?
The alternative part number for this Siemens part is 6ES74050KA010AA0.
What are the related parts to this Siemens part?
Related parts would be other components of the SIMATIC S7-400 system, as this part is a power supply module for that system.