What is the category of this part?
This part belongs to the PLC Systems category.
What is the part family of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part belongs to the Simatic S7 family.
Can you provide a brief description of this part?
Certainly, this is a Digital Output Module with 16 outputs. It operates at 24 V DC and can handle a current of 2 A.
What is the commodity code of this part?
The commodity code of this part is 853890.
What is the output current of this part?
The rated output current for signal '1' is 2 A.
What is the switching frequency of this part with a resistive load?
The maximum switching frequency with a resistive load is 100 Hz.
What is the maximum cable length for this part?
The maximum cable length for this part is 1000 m if shielded and 600 m if unshielded.
Does this part have galvanic isolation?
Yes, this part has galvanic isolation between the channels, in groups of 8, and between the channels and the backplane bus.
What are the dimensions of this part?
The dimensions of this part are 25 mm in width, 290 mm in height, and 210 mm in depth.
What is the weight of this part?
The approximate weight of this part is 600 g.