What is the category of this Siemens part?
The Siemens 6ES7138-4FA04-0AB0 is part of the PLC Systems category.
Which part family does this Siemens part belong to?
The Siemens 6ES7138-4FA04-0AB0 is part of the Simatic S7 family.
What is the supply voltage for this part?
The supply voltage for the Siemens 6ES7138-4FA04-0AB0 is 24 V DC.
Does this part have reverse polarity protection?
No, the Siemens 6ES7138-4FA04-0AB0 does not have reverse polarity protection.
How many digital inputs does this part have?
The Siemens 6ES7138-4FA04-0AB0 has 8 digital inputs, with 8 single channel and 4 two-channel inputs.
What are the dimensions of this part?
The dimensions of the Siemens 6ES7138-4FA04-0AB0 are 30 mm in width, 81 mm in height, and 52 mm in depth.
What is the approximate weight of this part?
The approximate weight of the Siemens 6ES7138-4FA04-0AB0 is 78 grams.
What is the highest safety class achievable in safety mode for this part?
The highest safety class achievable in safety mode for the Siemens 6ES7138-4FA04-0AB0 is Category 4 (EN 954-1), SIL 3 (IEC 61508), and Performance Level e (ISO 13849-1).
Is this part compatible with PROFINET?
Yes, the Siemens 6ES7138-4FA04-0AB0 can be used in a PROFINET configuration with IM 151-3 HF.