What is the category of this Siemens part?
The Siemens 6SL3224-0BE13-7UA0 falls under the category of Servo Drives.
What family does this part belong to?
The Siemens 6SL3224-0BE13-7UA0 is part of the Sinamics family.
What is the rated output of this part in kilowatts?
The rated output of the Siemens 6SL3224-0BE13-7UA0 is 0.37 kW.
What is the input voltage range for this part?
The Siemens 6SL3224-0BE13-7UA0 can operate within an input voltage range of 380 to 480 V.
What is the maximum output frequency of this part?
The Siemens 6SL3224-0BE13-7UA0 has a maximum electrical output frequency of 650 Hz.
What is the weight of this part?
The Siemens 6SL3224-0BE13-7UA0 weighs 1.1 kg.
What is the protection class of this part?
The Siemens 6SL3224-0BE13-7UA0 has a protection class of IP20.
What is the cooling method of this part?
The Siemens 6SL3224-0BE13-7UA0 uses a fan for cooling.
What are the dimensions of this part?
The Siemens 6SL3224-0BE13-7UA0 has a depth of 0.145 m, a height of 0.173 m, and a width of 0.073 m.
What is the overload capability of this part?
The Siemens 6SL3224-0BE13-7UA0 can handle 150% overload for 57 seconds with a cycle time of 300 seconds, and 200% overload for 3 seconds with a cycle time of 300 seconds.