What is the display type of this Siemens measuring device?
The Siemens 7KM2112-0BA00-3AA0 measuring device features an LCD, graphical, monochrome display.
How many keys does the device have for operation?
The Siemens 7KM2112-0BA00-3AA0 measuring device has 4 keys for operation.
Which communication protocols are supported by this device?
The Siemens 7KM2112-0BA00-3AA0 supports MODBUS TCP and SEAbus TCP / MODBUS TCP (switchable) communication protocols.
What is the input voltage range for the digital input?
The input voltage range for the digital input of the Siemens 7KM2112-0BA00-3AA0 is 8V to 24V DC.
What is the maximum installation altitude for this measuring device?
The maximum installation altitude for the Siemens 7KM2112-0BA00-3AA0 is 2,000 meters above sea level.
What is the operating temperature range for this device?
The Siemens 7KM2112-0BA00-3AA0 has an operating temperature range of -10°C to 55°C.
What languages are supported on the display?
The Siemens 7KM2112-0BA00-3AA0 supports German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, and Chinese languages on the display.
What is the measurement accuracy of this device?
The Siemens 7KM2112-0BA00-3AA0 has a measurement accuracy of Class 2 for reactive energy according to IEC61557-12 and/or IEC62053-23, and Class 0.5 for active energy according to IEC62053-22.