

All items supplied or repaired by us are fully tested and carefully packed before shipping, including the use of anti-static bags/wrapping where applicable. If we receive no communication from you, within 7 days of delivery, regarding any problems with the items, you are deemed to have received the items in full working order and with no problems.

If you wish to return an item for any reason this should be reported to us within 7 days of delivery. You then have a further 7 days to return the item, with all packaging and documentation, for assessment/inspection.

Should you wish to return an item for any other reason than stated below we must be informed of the return and reason for return in writing within 7 days of receipt of the item. You then have a further 7 days to return the item in the original condition and packaging which will enable them to be immediately fit for re-sale. Returns of this nature will be subject to a 35% re-stocking fee.

We will only authorise the return of an item in the following cases:

Faulty when received -

We offer a full 12 Months return to base warranty on all reconditioned, service exchange and new parts. So if you have any problems within 12 months from the date of delivery then please contact our Customer Relationship Team who will be happy to help and explain what you need to do next.

Please see our warranty page for full terms and conditions.

Damaged in transit +
Incorrect item +

This returns policy excludes software and specially manufactured products






