What is the category of this part?
The part belongs to the PLC Systems category.
Which part family does this part belong to?
This part belongs to the Modicon M340 part family.
How many channels does this counter module have?
The BMXEHC0200 counter module has 2 channels.
What is the counting frequency of this part?
The counting frequency of the BMXEHC0200 is up to 60,000 Hz.
What types of inputs is this part compatible with?
The BMXEHC0200 is compatible with incremental encoders with push-pull outputs, 10-30 V totem pole, and 2-wire/3-wire proximity sensors with 19.2-30 V.
What is the input voltage for this part?
The input voltage for the BMXEHC0200 is 24 V DC type 3.
How many outputs does this part have?
The BMXEHC0200 has 2 outputs.
What is the output voltage for this part?
The output voltage for the BMXEHC0200 is 24 V DC.
What are the counter functions of this part?
The BMXEHC0200 has various counter functions, including 32-bit counter counting, count events, down counting, frequency meter, loop (modulo) counting, measuring time periods, ratio count, and width modulation.
What is the cycle time for this part?
The cycle time for the BMXEHC0200 is 1 ms.
What is the isolation voltage for this part?
The isolation voltage for the BMXEHC0200 is 1500 V for 60 seconds.
What is the operating temperature range for this part?
The ambient air temperature for operation of the BMXEHC0200 is 0 to 60°C.
What is the IP degree of protection for this part?
The BMXEHC0200 has an IP20 degree of protection.