What is the category of this Siemens part?
The Siemens 6ES7138-4CA50-0AB0 is categorised under PLC Systems.
Which family does this part belong to?
This part belongs to the Simatic S7 family.
What is the supply voltage of this part?
The supply voltage for the Siemens 6ES7138-4CA50-0AB0 is 24 to 48 V DC.
Does this part have short-circuit protection?
No, the Siemens 6ES7138-4CA50-0AB0 does not have short-circuit protection. It requires external protection, for example, an automatic circuit breaker with tripping characteristic B or C.
Does this part have reverse polarity protection?
Yes, the Siemens 6ES7138-4CA50-0AB0 has reverse polarity protection.
What is the maximum input current from load voltage 1L+ (without load) for this part?
The maximum input current from load voltage 1L+ (without load) for the Siemens 6ES7138-4CA50-0AB0 is 12 mA.
What is the maximum current carrying capacity up to 60 °C for this part?
The maximum current carrying capacity up to 60 °C for the Siemens 6ES7138-4CA50-0AB0 is 10 A.
What are the typical power losses for this part?
The typical power losses for the Siemens 6ES7138-4CA50-0AB0 are 500 W.
Does this part have diagnostic capabilities?
Yes, the Siemens 6ES7138-4CA50-0AB0 has diagnostic capabilities.
Can this part detect missing load voltage?
Yes, the Siemens 6ES7138-4CA50-0AB0 can detect missing load voltage.