What is the category of this part?
The part falls under the PLC Systems category.
Which family does this part belong to?
This part belongs to the Simatic S7 family.
What are the operating temperature ranges for this part?
The operating temperature ranges from 0°C to 55°C for horizontal installation and from 0°C to 45°C for vertical installation.
What is the weight of this part?
The approximate weight of the part is 310 grams.
What are the dimensions of this part?
The dimensions of the part are 90mm in width, 80mm in height, and 62mm in depth.
What is the degree and class of protection for this part?
The part has a degree and class of protection of IP20.
What are the programming languages supported by this part?
The part supports LAD, FBD, and STL programming languages.
Does this part offer user program protection or password protection?
Yes, this part offers user program protection and password protection.
What is the maximum number of subroutines this part can handle?
This part can handle a maximum of 64 subroutines.
What is the supply voltage for this part?
The part can be supplied with 120V AC or 230V AC.