What is the category of this part?
This part belongs to the Inverter Drives category.
What is the part family of this item?
This item is part of the Simovert family.
Can you provide a brief description of this part?
Certainly, this part is a Siemens Keypad Operator Panel, also known as a MICROMASTER 4 BASIC OPERATOR PANEL (BOP).
What are the physical dimensions of this part?
The part has a height of 110.00 mm, a width of 80.00 mm, and a depth of 40.00 mm.
What is the weight of this part?
This part weighs 0.300 kg.
Where is this part originally from?
This part is originally from the United Kingdom.
What is the commodity code of this part?
The commodity code of this part is 85389099.
What are some common uses for this part?
This part is commonly used in industrial automation systems, specifically in the operation and control of Siemens MICROMASTER 4 series inverter drives.
What are the key features of this part?
This part is known for its user-friendly interface, compact design, and compatibility with Siemens MICROMASTER 4 series inverter drives.